Etsimme isäntäperheitä

Tutustu oppilaisiimme

Olisitko valmis toivottamaan vaihto-oppilaan tervetulleeksi kotiisi tai tunnetko jonkun muun asiasta kiinnostuneen? Haluaisitko päästä tutustumaan uuteen kulttuurin ja saada elinikäisen ystävän? Etsimme omistautuneita isäntäperheitä ottamaan vastaan Suomeen eri maailmankolkista saapuvia vaihto-oppilaita. Ilmoita täällä meille kiinnostuksestasi ryhtyä isäntäperheeksi. Ilmoitus ei luonnollisestikaan sido sinua mihinkään.

Joka vuosi Suomeen saapuu oppilaita ympäri maailman. Isäntäperheenä saatte tietenkin valita, kenet nuorista toivotatte tervetulleeksi kotiinne, joten lue lisää ja tutustu vaihto-oppilaisiimme nähdäksesi, sopisiko joku heistä hyvin juuri teidän perheeseenne!

Ilmoittaudu myös infotapaamiseemme, jossa kerromme lisää isäntäperheenä toimimisesta. Lisäksi voit lukea meiltä usein kysyttyjä kysymyksiä ja aiempien isäntäperheiden kokemuksia vaihto-oppilaasta kodissaan.



Year of birth: 2008​

Home country: Switzerland​

Languages: German, English

Period of stay: January 2025 – June 2025

Who is Nick?​

Nick is a very active and smart 15 years old boy. He is from Switzerland and lives with his family in a city near a lake. He has an older sister, and the family owns a dog. They are a very close family who enjoys spending time together. ​

Nick loves the nature and usually spends a lot time outside. For example, he likes hiking both in summer and wintertime, cycling in the evening, swimming in the lake or taking long walks with the dog. He has also start to attend a course in parkour witch he enjoys very much. Another passion of him is tinkering with computers and coding, which he is very successful at.

Why does Nick want to do an exchange?​

Nick is a person who is eager to learn new things and develop himself during this exchange. He has heard about the great school system in Finland and are really excited for this upcoming year. He can´t wait to learn a new language, discover a new culture and interact with new people.

Greetings from Nick:​

"I'm looking forward to make great memories, new friends and enjoy the beautiful nature.​ With warm regards​, Nick"



Year of birth: 2009

Home country: Germany​

Languages: German, English

Period of stay: January 2025 – June 2025

Who is Emily?​
Emily is a curious and 16-year-old girl from Berlin, Germany. Emily enjoys a variety of hobbies, including playing the piano and viola, reading fantasy novels, and drawing. She is also a fan of outdoor activities like hiking, and she loves nature, particularly the snowy winters and berry-filled landscapes of Nordic countries. In addition to her creative interests, she practices Krav Maga, a self-defense martial art, and sometimes goes running with her aunt. Emily has a passion for learning, especially languages. She has already started learning Finnish and is eager to learn more about the language and culture during her stay in Finland.​

Why does Emily want to do an exchange?​
Emily chose Finland because she has already visited once and fell in love with the nature and rich cultural. She is excited to experience life in Finland beyond a holiday and immerse herself in the day-to-day routines of the country. One of her main goals is to experience a "real" winter with plenty of snow, something she rarely gets in Germany. She is also curious about the Finnish education system and how it differs from her own.​
Emily hopes that this exchange will be a chance for her to grow personally, become more self-confident, and gain a new perspective on life. She looks forward to meeting new people, learning more about Finnish culture, and sharing her own German background with her host family.

Greetings from Emily:​
"I really hope for us to get along well and maybe even stay in contact for a long time even after this. Greetings from Germany​


Year of birth: 2008​

Home country: Germany​

Languages: German, English, Polish

Period of stay: January 2025 – June 2025

Who is Nikola?​

Nikola is a 15-year-old who will soon turn 16. Nikola enjoys playing football in a club and has recently started bouldering as an afternoon activity at school. She has recently tried to learn Japanese and plays the clarinet. She also loves to cook, especially pasta or rice with different sauces, and often cooks with her mum. She has a close relationship with her family and enjoys activities such as watching football matches, going to the cinema, swimming and playing old video games together. Nicola also has a 6-year-old brother who can sometimes be annoying but is the best brother in the world according to Nicola. Her family supports her in everything he does. Nicola has born and raised in Poland for first years of the life.

Why does Nikola want to do an exchange?​

Nikola is fascinated by Finland's education system, nature, safety, and people. She is curious to experience the Nordic way of life and understand the cultural differences between Germany and Finland. She hopes to fall in love with the country and its lifestyle.

Greetings from Nikola:​

"I hope that the time with you will be great and that I will benefit from this adventure. Moreover, I am very excited to get to know the new environment and the country as well "

Haluaisitko kuulla lisää?

Olisitko tai olisiko perheesi kiinnostunut toimimaan isäntäperheenä Suomeen saapuvalle vaihto-oppilaalle? Haluaisitteko kuulla lisää toiminnasta tai onko teillä herännyt kysyttävää toimintaan liittyen?

Täytä alle yhteystietosi, niin olemme sinuun yhteydessä.